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3 Types of Seeds and Feeders Birds Love Best for Your Yard

Jaylin Jacobi, Senior Editor


9 min read


    3 Types of Seeds and Feeders Birds Love Best for Your Yard: Transform your outdoor space into a vibrant bird haven! Discover the secret to attracting a symphony of chirping visitors with the most irresistible seeds and feeders. Say goodbye to an empty yard and hello to a bustling avian paradise. Dive in to learn about the three must-have seeds and feeders that will make your backyard the top dining destination for your feathered friends. Donโ€™t miss out on turning your yard into the ultimate birdwatching hotspot!

    Birds That Eat Sunflower Seed

    Birds That Eat Sunflower Seed 3 Types of Seeds and Feeders Birds Love Best for Your Yard

    Creating a bird-friendly yard involves understanding the preferences of various feathered visitors, particularly concerning their favorite types of seeds and feeders. Among the multitude of options available, three types of seeds stand out for attracting a diverse crowd: sunflower seeds, nyjer seeds, and mixed seed blends. Each offers unique appeals and benefits, drawing a variety of birds to your backyard sanctuary.

    Sunflower seeds are a top choice for many bird enthusiasts. Birds that eat sunflower seed include cardinals, chickadees, and finches. These seeds are rich in oil, providing high energy content, making them particularly appealing during colder months. Birds find them easy to eat due to their relatively soft shells.

    Nyjer seeds, also known as thistle seeds, are particularly favored by finches and can be offered in tube feeders with small openings. These tiny seeds are packed with nutrition and are less likely to scatter around, which helps in maintaining a clean feeding area.

    Mixed seed blends commonly include millet, cracked corn, and sunflower seeds, catering to a wider range of birds such as sparrows, doves, and grosbeaks. The diversity in a seed blend ensures that thereโ€™s something for almost every bird species that visits your yard.

    Incorporating these seeds effectively in appropriate feeders can transform your backyard into a bustling haven for various birds, providing them with the nourishment they need while offering you endless hours of enjoyment and bird watching.

    Birds That Eat Safflower Seed

    Birds That Eat Safflower Seed 3 Types of Seeds and Feeders Birds Love Best for Your Yard

    Attracting a diverse array of bird species to your yard can be a delightful experience when you know which types of seeds and feeders to use. Among the bird favorites, safflower seed stands out. Birds that eat safflower seed include cardinals, chickadees, and house finches. These seeds are particularly valued because they attract birds while deterring less desirable creatures like squirrels. Safflower seeds thrive in tube feeders, providing an optimal setup for these birds.

    In addition to safflower seeds, sunflower seeds are also beloved by various bird species. Blue jays, nuthatches, and grosbeaks are particularly fond of black oil sunflower seeds. For these birds, platform feeders or hopper feeders work excellently, allowing them easy access to their nutritious treats.

    Another highly favored option is nyjer seeds, which are tiny but rich in oils. Birds such as goldfinches, pine siskins, and indigo buntings canโ€™t resist them. Nyjer seeds are best offered in mesh sock feeders, which allow the birds to cling and nibble comfortably.

    Understanding these preferences ensures that your yard becomes a haven for a wide range of birds. Whether youโ€™re aiming to attract birds that eat safflower seed or a variety of other species, the key is matching the right seed with the right feeder.

    Birds That Eat Thistle Seed

    Birds That Eat Thistle Seed 3 Types of Seeds and Feeders Birds Love Best for Your Yard

    Creating a bird-friendly yard can be incredibly rewarding, especially when you attract a variety of feathered friends. Understanding the preferences of birds that eat thistle seed, sunflower seeds, and suet cakes will help you make informed choices.

    Birds that eat thistle seed, also known as nyjer seed, include goldfinches, siskins, and redpolls. These small birds have a particular affinity for the tiny, black seeds and are often seen flocking to specialized thistle feeders. These feeders typically have small holes that align perfectly with the beaks of these petite birds, preventing larger species from monopolizing the seed.

    Sunflower seeds, another favorite, attract a different group of birds such as cardinals, chickadees, and nuthatches. Both hulled and black-oil sunflower seeds offer high energy and essential nutrients, making them a staple in many backyard setups. Tube feeders and hopper feeders are ideal for dispensing sunflower seeds and accommodating the diverse species that seek them out.

    Lastly, suet cakes appeal to woodpeckers, wrens, and nuthatches, providing much-needed fat and protein, especially in the colder months. Suet feeders are often cage-like structures that can be hung from trees or poles, allowing these birds easy access.

    By offering thistle seed, sunflower seeds, and suet cakes, you create a welcoming environment for a wide range of bird species that will add life and beauty to your yard.

    Platform/Tray Bird Feeder

    Platform/Tray Bird Feeder 3 Types of Seeds and Feeders Birds Love Best for Your Yard

    Enhancing your yard with a variety of seeds and the right feeders can attract an array of birds, providing both beauty and entertainment. Among the most favored feeders is the Platform/Tray Bird Feeder, known for its versatility and appeal to numerous bird species. This type of feeder typically accommodates seeds such as sunflower, millet, and cracked corn, catering to birds that prefer an open feeding space.

    Sunflower seeds are a top choice for many birds, including cardinals, finches, and chickadees. Their high oil content provides essential nutrition and energy, especially during colder months. The Platform/Tray Bird Feederโ€™s flat surface makes it easy for these birds to perch and feed comfortably.

    Millet is another excellent seed option, attracting sparrows, juncos, and doves. Its small size is perfectly suited for ground-feeding birds, which find the accessible design of the Platform/Tray Bird Feeder particularly inviting.

    Finally, cracked corn is a favorite among larger birds like jays, pigeons, and quails. This seed type appeals to birds that prefer feeding in open, easily reachable areas, which the Platform/Tray Bird Feeder effortlessly provides.

    Utilizing the right combination of seeds in a Platform/Tray Bird Feeder ensures a diverse and lively bird population in your yard, creating a dynamic and engaging bird-watching experience.

    Tube Bird Feeder

    Tube Bird Feeder 3 Types of Seeds and Feeders Birds Love Best for Your Yard

    Enhancing your backyard for bird-watching involves both selecting the right seeds and choosing the best feeders. Among the myriad of options, three types of seeds stand out as irresistible to our feathered friends: black oil sunflower seeds, nyjer seeds, and safflower seeds. Pairing these seeds with a Tube Bird Feeder guarantees a delightful and bustling avian sanctuary.

    Black oil sunflower seeds are a universal favorite. Renowned for their high-fat content, they attract a wide variety of birds, including cardinals, chickadees, and finches. These seeds fit perfectly in a Tube Bird Feeder, which allows multiple birds to feed simultaneously while keeping the seeds dry and fresh.

    Nyjer seeds, small and rich in oil, particularly entice goldfinches and pine siskins. When placed in a mesh Tube Bird Feeder, these tiny seeds become a magnet for small clinging birds. The feederโ€™s design minimizes waste while providing easy access for the birds.

    Lastly, safflower seeds are loved by cardinals, grosbeaks, and titmice but are often neglected by squirrels, making them a strategic choice. A Tube Bird Feeder specifically made for safflower seeds keeps the feeding organized and manageable.

    Incorporating these seed types with a Tube Bird Feeder not only attracts a diverse bird population but also ensures a cleaner, more efficient feeding environment while enhancing your bird-watching experience.

    Hopper Bird Feeder

    Hopper Bird Feeder 3 Types of Seeds and Feeders Birds Love Best for Your Yard

    When attracting avian visitors to your yard, choosing the right combination of seeds and feeders is essential. Among the various feeder types, the Hopper Bird Feeder stands out for its versatility and effectiveness. This feederโ€™s design offers ample seed storage while protecting contents from the elements, ensuring your feathered friends always have access to fresh food.

    Black oil sunflower seeds are a favorite and attract a broad range of birds such as cardinals, chickadees, and finches. Their high-fat content provides essential energy, especially during colder months. The Hopper Bird Feederโ€™s seed-distribution system makes it easy for these birds to feast comfortably.

    Next, consider offering nyjer seeds, which are particularly appealing to colorful finches and sparrows. These tiny seeds fit perfectly in the narrow slots of the Hopper Bird Feeder, minimizing waste and maximizing enjoyment for smaller birds.

    Lastly, to entice larger species like blue jays and woodpeckers, whole peanuts are a fantastic choice. The sturdy design of the Hopper Bird Feeder can accommodate these robust seeds without spillage, making it the perfect platform for more substantial birds.

    By incorporating a Hopper Bird Feeder and filling it with black oil sunflower seeds, nyjer seeds, and whole peanuts, your yard will become a bustling haven for a variety of bird species.

    We Asked Readers: What Bird Food Is Most Popular in Your Yard?

    We Asked Readers: What Bird Food Is Most Popular in Your Yard? 3 Types of Seeds and Feeders Birds Love Best for Your Yard

    Birdwatching is a delightful hobby that brings natureโ€™s beauty to your yard. We explored the best types of seeds and feeders to attract a variety of birds, using insights from our audience. We asked readers: What bird food is most popular in your yard? The response highlighted three standout choices.

    First is black-oil sunflower seeds, a favorite among many species due to their high oil content and easy-to-crack shells. These seeds are perfect for tube feeders, which are designed to keep seeds dry while allowing multiple birds to feed at once.

    Second, nyjer (or thistle) seeds rank high among bird enthusiasts, particularly for attracting finches. These tiny seeds require specialized feeders with narrow openings, ensuring minimal waste and accessible food for small birds.

    Lastly, suet cakes are indispensable, especially in colder months. Suet provides a high-energy feast for woodpeckers, nuthatches, and chickadees. Use a suet cage feeder to offer these blocks of nourishment efficiently.

    We asked readers: What bird food is most popular in your yard? Their feedback confirmed that variety is key. By offering black-oil sunflower seeds, nyjer seeds, and suet cakes, youโ€™ll attract a diverse and vibrant array of birds, transforming your yard into a lively haven for avian visitors.

    Jaylin Jacobi, Senior Editor
    Jaylin Jacobi

    About the Author - Jaylin Jacobi Mission Statement Jaylin Jacobi, a Senior Editor, is committed to providing high-quality and engaging