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The 8 Best Bird Feeders to Attract Woodpeckers for Your Backyard

Jaylin Jacobi, Senior Editor


10 min read


    The 8 Best Bird Feeders to Attract Woodpeckers for Your Backyard! Woodpeckers are not just mesmerizing to watch but also essential for a balanced ecosystem. Imagine your mornings filled with the rhythmic pecking of these magnificent birds, right in your backyard. Discover the top feeders that will transform your outdoor space into a woodpecker paradise, drawing these vibrant creatures closer than ever before. Get ready to witness nature’s marvels up close and personal! Dive in to find out which feeders make the magic happen.

    More Birds Two Cake Suet Buffet Bird Feeder

    More Birds Two Cake Suet Buffet Bird Feeder The 8 Best Bird Feeders to Attract Woodpeckers for Your Backyard

    Enhancing your backyard with the presence of woodpeckers offers both entertainment and ecological benefits. Among the finest choices to draw these fascinating birds is the More Birds Two Cake Suet Buffet Bird Feeder. Not only does it provide an excellent feeding station, but its unique design caters specifically to the dietary needs of woodpeckers.

    Crafted for durability and convenience, the More Birds Two Cake Suet Buffet Bird Feeder can hold two cakes of suet simultaneously, allowing for longer feeding times and fewer refills. Its robust metal construction ensures that it withstands various weather conditions and the persistent pecking of woodpeckers.

    The feeder’s design also minimizes waste and encourages easy access for woodpeckers, thanks to the tail-prop feature that helps these birds balance comfortably while they feast. This practical aspect sets the feeder apart and makes it a preferred choice for both novice and experienced birdwatchers.

    In supporting these beautiful birds, the More Birds Two Cake Suet Buffet Bird Feeder stands out for its effectiveness and thoughtful design. By incorporating such a feeder into your backyard, you not only attract woodpeckers but also contribute to maintaining a balanced and lively ecosystem. Choose wisely, and watch your garden come alive with the vibrant activity of woodpeckers.

    Suet Nugget Woodpecker Bird Feeders

    Suet Nugget Woodpecker Bird Feeders The 8 Best Bird Feeders to Attract Woodpeckers for Your Backyard

    Choosing the right bird feeder can transform your backyard into a haven for woodpeckers. Among the top options, the suet nugget woodpecker bird feeders stand out for their exceptional ability to attract and nourish these fascinating birds. These feeders are specifically designed to accommodate the dietary preferences of woodpeckers, featuring sturdy materials and easy-access feeding ports.

    Suet nuggets, made from a blend of animal fat and protein-rich ingredients, provide the high-energy nourishment woodpeckers require. The suet nugget woodpecker bird feeders are constructed with durability in mind, ensuring they withstand weather elements and daily use. These feeders often come with secure perching areas, allowing woodpeckers to feed comfortably and consistently.

    Another appealing aspect of the suet nugget woodpecker bird feeders is their versatility in various backyard settings. Whether you have a small garden or a sprawling landscape, these feeders can be easily integrated to complement your outdoor space. Their compact design also reduces the spillage of feed, ensuring minimal waste and attracting fewer pests.

    In addition to the practical benefits, suet nugget woodpecker bird feeders also offer an enjoyable viewing experience for bird enthusiasts. Observing woodpeckers’ unique feeding behaviors up close is both educational and delightful, making these feeders a valuable addition to any backyard.

    Droll Yankees “The Winner” Window Feeder

    Droll Yankees “The Winner” Window Feeder The 8 Best Bird Feeders to Attract Woodpeckers for Your Backyard

    Enhancing your backyard to attract woodpeckers can be a rewarding experience, and selecting the right bird feeder is crucial. Among the finest options, the Droll Yankees “The Winner” Window Feeder stands out for its compelling features. This innovative feeder is designed to offer bird enthusiasts an up-close view of woodpeckers while ensuring their safety and comfort.

    The Droll Yankees “The Winner” Window Feeder boasts a durable polycarbonate construction, making it not only weather-resistant but also capable of enduring eager woodpecker activity. Its compact design allows it to be effortlessly attached to any window using strong suction cups, providing a clear, unobstructed view of these fascinating birds.

    Unlike conventional feeders that might deter you from observing woodpeckers closely, “The Winner” ensures that you can enjoy their intricate feeding behaviors right from the comfort of your home. The feeder’s easy-to-clean, detachable parts make maintenance a breeze, ensuring your woodpeckers always have a clean and inviting feeding spot.

    Moreover, its well-designed seed tray can accommodate various seed types that woodpeckers love, such as suet and sunflower seeds. Choosing the Droll Yankees “The Winner” Window Feeder will undoubtedly maximize your chances of attracting woodpeckers, transforming your backyard into a delightful sanctuary for these beautiful birds.

    Brome’s Squirrel-Buster Nut Feeder

    Brome’s Squirrel-Buster Nut Feeder The 8 Best Bird Feeders to Attract Woodpeckers for Your Backyard

    Woodpeckers are fascinating birds, and attracting them to your backyard requires selecting the right feeder. Among the best options, Brome’s Squirrel-Buster Nut Feeder stands out for its innovative design and effectiveness. This feeder is specifically crafted to entice woodpeckers by offering a steady supply of their favorite nuts while keeping pesky squirrels at bay. Its patented squirrel-proof technology ensures that only birds can access the food, making it a smart investment for bird enthusiasts.

    Brome’s Squirrel-Buster Nut Feeder features robust materials that withstand harsh weather conditions, ensuring longevity and minimal maintenance. Additionally, its chew-proof design means that even the most determined squirrels won’t be able to damage it. The feeder’s size and shape are optimized to accommodate woodpeckers, with adjustable perches that can cater to various bird sizes. This attention to detail not only attracts woodpeckers but also enhances their feeding experience.

    Other notable bird feeders include mesh wire designs and tube feeders specially tailored for woodpeckers, but Brome’s Squirrel-Buster Nut Feeder remains a top choice due to its superior squirrel deterrent capabilities. Investing in this feeder will undoubtedly transform your backyard into a thriving bird haven, providing endless enjoyment for both you and the visiting woodpeckers.

    Kettle Moraine Cedar Double Woodpecker Bird Feeders

    Kettle Moraine Cedar Double Woodpecker Bird Feeders The 8 Best Bird Feeders to Attract Woodpeckers for Your Backyard

    When aiming to attract woodpeckers to your backyard, selecting the right bird feeder is crucial. One standout option among the 8 best bird feeders is the Kettle Moraine Cedar Double Woodpecker Bird Feeder. Constructed from durable cedar and featuring dual feeding stations, this feeder is designed specifically for woodpeckers, making it a top choice.

    The Kettle Moraine Cedar Double Woodpecker Bird Feeder is crafted from high-quality cedar, which not only offers longevity but also adds a touch of rustic charm to your outdoor space. Its double feeding stations allow multiple woodpeckers to dine simultaneously, enhancing your chances of spotting these vibrant birds.

    Ease of use and maintenance are essential when considering bird feeders, and the Kettle Moraine Cedar Double Woodpecker Bird Feeder excels in both areas. The feeder’s thoughtful design ensures easy refilling and cleaning, ensuring that the birds have access to fresh food consistently. Additionally, its robust construction withstands various weather conditions, providing a reliable feeding spot year-round.

    Incorporating this feeder into your backyard setup can significantly increase woodpecker visits, offering delightful birdwatching opportunities. Beyond its practical benefits, the Kettle Moraine Cedar Double Woodpecker Bird Feeder is also an aesthetically pleasing addition, blending seamlessly with natural surroundings. By choosing this feeder, you are ensuring a bird-friendly environment that caters directly to woodpeckers’ feeding preferences.

    Wreath Design Peanut Feeder

    Wreath Design Peanut Feeder The 8 Best Bird Feeders to Attract Woodpeckers for Your Backyard

    Woodpeckers are known for their striking plumage and distinctive drumming sounds. Attracting these fascinating birds to your backyard can be a delightful experience, and choosing the right bird feeder is crucial. Among the best bird feeders for woodpeckers, the Wreath Design Peanut Feeder stands out for its unique and effective approach.

    Crafted to resemble a natural wreath, this feeder seamlessly blends into your garden environment. Its circular design not only adds aesthetic appeal but also offers multiple perching spots for woodpeckers to cling onto while feeding. The Wreath Design Peanut Feeder is specifically engineered to hold peanuts securely, providing a rich source of protein and fats essential for woodpeckers’ diets.

    The robust metal construction ensures durability against various weather conditions and potential squirrel raids, while its open design makes it easy to refill and clean. Woodpeckers are particularly attracted to nuts, making this feeder a magnet for these birds. Additionally, the feeder allows woodpeckers to exhibit their natural foraging behavior, as they work to extract the peanuts from the feeder.

    By incorporating the Wreath Design Peanut Feeder into your backyard setup, you can create an inviting haven for woodpeckers, enhancing your bird-watching experience and contributing to the well-being of these incredible creatures.

    Dutchcrafters Woodpecker Bird Feeder

    Dutchcrafters Woodpecker Bird Feeder The 8 Best Bird Feeders to Attract Woodpeckers for Your Backyard

    Enhance your backyard with the perfect bird feeders designed to attract woodpeckers, some of nature’s most fascinating avian visitors. Among the best options, the Dutchcrafters Woodpecker Bird Feeder stands out for its unique design and functional features tailored specifically for woodpeckers. This feeder is constructed from high-quality, durable materials that can withstand various weather conditions, ensuring long-lasting use. Moreover, its specialized features cater to the feeding habits of woodpeckers, including reinforced perches and suet holders that easily accommodate their pecking behavior.

    Woodpeckers are attracted to feeders that mimic natural feeding conditions, and the Dutchcrafters Woodpecker Bird Feeder excels in providing just that. Strategically designed to offer easy access to food, it helps sustain these birds by providing essential nutrients commonly found in their natural diet. Additionally, the aesthetically pleasing design of this feeder complements any backyard setting, blending seamlessly with other garden features while standing out enough to catch the attention of these incredible birds.

    In incorporating the Dutchcrafters Woodpecker Bird Feeder into your backyard, you are not only enhancing your outdoor space but also supporting local wildlife. This feeder is an indispensable tool for bird enthusiasts eager to create a welcoming environment for woodpeckers, ensuring these amazing birds become regular visitors to your home.

    Recycled Log Feeder

    Recycled Log Feeder The 8 Best Bird Feeders to Attract Woodpeckers for Your Backyard

    Enhance the charm of your backyard by attracting woodpeckers with some of the best bird feeders designed specifically for them. Among these, the Recycled Log Feeder shines as a standout option. This particular feeder is environmentally friendly and incredibly effective, crafted from repurposed logs that mimic the natural feeding environment of woodpeckers. By providing a familiar and authentic feeding station, the Recycled Log Feeder draws in these fascinating birds, offering them the sustenance they crave while allowing you to enjoy their captivating presence.

    The durability of the Recycled Log Feeder ensures it can withstand the elements, offering a long-lasting solution to your bird-feeding needs. Unlike plastic alternatives, this feeder is sturdy and blends seamlessly into the natural surroundings, minimizing the intrusion on your garden’s aesthetic. The feeder also features cavities perfectly sized for woodpeckers to extract nutritious insects and suet, making it an irresistible option for these birds.

    Position the Recycled Log Feeder strategically in your backyard, and soon you’ll observe an increase in woodpecker activity. Whether you are an experienced bird watcher or a novice, this feeder provides an excellent opportunity to appreciate the beauty and behavior of woodpeckers right in your own backyard.

    Jaylin Jacobi, Senior Editor
    Jaylin Jacobi

    About the Author - Jaylin Jacobi Mission Statement Jaylin Jacobi, a Senior Editor, is committed to providing high-quality and engaging